Every Lead has its own source. Every Lead came to you from exhibitions, seminars, adverting campaigns and etc. In the Teamgate Leads section you’ll be able not only to assign sources to your leads, but have a quick view of historical lead-to-deal conversion rate, for a better understanding of the source value to your company. This probability is calculated based on your history of Teamgate CRM usage.
The percentage of the probability will help you to understand:
how much attention and effort will require leads with this specific source;
what is the expected result of his treatment;
the quality of the source.
Example: you have got 10 new leads at the exhibition and you need to qualify them (that means you need to check are they suitable for you to make steps from your sales process). You need to add that exhibition as a source to your Teamgate account. Imagine that only 4 leads can be converted to deals from the 10 leads you’ve got.
So now you will see 40% probability of conversion ((10/4)*100%=40%), when you will add a new Lead to Teamgate with that specific source.