Teamgate offers a convenient way to find necessary information in your customer’s database using filtering.
Below, we provide several methods for filtering, as well as a number of potential uses. Please remember that all of the values could be assigned in Sales, Companies, or People and Files modules. In addition, while importing your database, you may load it with all the values.
Possible filters
Filtering is possible according to the following choices:
Types & Groups;
No contact for;
There are also additional options:
Search field. Searching by:
– Name – from 3 characters
– Company code / personal code
– VAT code
– Postal code
– First phone number of the Company / Person
– First indicated e-mail of the Company / Person -
There are 3 additional filters available (when you have custom fields with types ”Multi-option” and ”Single Option”).
Filtering duplicates
Click on the “Duplicates” filter. The system provides a duplicate list of companies or people, with the ability to see how many duplicates there are and to combine them accordingly.
Tags can be any needed attributes for a company or person. Optional tags are: “need to call,” “attended seminar,” “buying products,” and “debtor.”
Tags are very convenient to distinguish different importable / usable databases within your Teamgate account.
You can create a new tag in Settings: Customization> Tags. You can also delete and rename older tags that are no longer relevant. Note that tags are individually created for People (and Companies), Sales and Files. Tags can be attributed to the necessary extent to sales, companies / people, and files.
Each company or person in their card has several Attributes:
Type is intended to point out that your contacts are potential customers, customers, competitors, or suppliers. Activity indicates what type of business your contact is engaged in. Source indicates where information about this contact came from. Status is an attribute made to distinguish the most important customers from a general list.
All of these attributes can be assigned to any record in your database, but they can be used only once in each category.
This method of filtering will allow you to find all companies by country and city. Countries are prepared in advance, so you will need to enter just a first few letters, whereas you will have to enter a full name for a city.
With the help of this filter, you’ll find colleagues or your company department’s contacts. All you need is to activate the filter and choose colleagues, then select whose records you want to view.
Remember that if the Sale, Company or Person does not have a responsible person (owner), it will be harder to locate it. Filtering by a responsible person (owner) will help you to quickly reallocate companies among your colleagues.
No contact for
With the help of this filter, you will be able to locate companies with whom you have not communicated for a while. If you want to find all of the companies with whom you did not communicate for a past year and then take actions, you may simply activate filter and select the required time frame.
Please note that the system identifies communication based on any comments left, calls made, reminders set, or meetings done with Company or Person.
This filter is particularly useful when you start a Marketing campaign, and then wish to find all of the companies that have not responded. Such companies are easy to mark with a “Need to contact” tag, and you may appoint it to one of your colleagues for further communication.
Additional filters
If you want to add 3 additional filters, all you need to do is create them. Go to Settings> Customization> Custom fields. Choose where you would like to create additional fields: in Sales, Companies, or People. Then press the “New Field” button and choose among the following options:
One option – in the Company / Person / Sales card, you will have an extra field that allows you to choose one from previously-created values.
Many options – this is an additional field which will allow you to include several values from the previously-prepared ones in Sales / Companies / People.
When you select which field to use, simply enter the name for it (for example: purchased products) and type in values from which you will later choose.
In order for your custom field to appear among other filters, you might need to turn it on. In the custom field list, in the column labeled “Filter” click on the red bubble to make it green.
Please remember that all filters are combined with each other perfectly. For example, this means that if you wish to filter out all your customers who are engaged in IT activities, are important to you, and were recommended by your employees, it can be accomplished easily!
If you have any additional questions about filtering and its options, feel free to contact us at [email protected]