The products that you are selling may be grouped into categories, for example, “Planes” and “Cars“.
Products may be filtered by the categories and massively assigned to the employees.
1. How to create the categories for the products?
1.1. Navigate to “Settings”;
1.2. Click “Products”;
1.3. Click “Product categories”;
1.4. Click “New”;
1.5. Enter the name of the category;
1.6. Click “Save”.
2. How to edit the category of the product?
2.1. Navigate to “Settings”;
2.2. Click “Products”;
2.3. Click “Product categories”;
2.4. Click on the name of the category;
2.5. Change the name of the category;
2.6. Click “Save”.
3. How to delete the category?
3.1. Navigate to “Settings”;
3.2. Click “Products”;
3.3. Click “Product categories”;
3.4. Click on the “rubbish bin” icon;
3.5. Select the other category from the drop-down menu if you want to reassign the category;
3.6. Click “Delete”.
4. How to assign a category to a product?
4.1. Navigate to “Products” section;
4.2. Click on the selected product;
4.3. In the editing window select the category.
4.4. Click “Save”.