Teamgate offers these Customer statuses:
– Non-Customer;
– Past Customer;
– Customer.
The current status indicates what previously happened with a particular People or Company. By default, all new customers have the status “Non-customer” meaning that there is no history of won deals in the past. If the deal will be won- the status will change to a “Customer” automatically. The status “Past Customer” can be changed manually. We suggest assigning this status to the lost customers and add the loss reasons.
And these Prospect Statuses:
– Non-Prospect;
– Lost Prospect;
– Prospect.
Prospect statuses indicate what is happening with the deals- If there are no active deals in the pipeline with a particular customer- the prospect status is automatically “Non-Prospect”. From the moment you create a deal- the status automatically changes to “Prospect” and if you lose a deal the status automatically changes to “Lost Prospect”.
There are two ways how you may change the Customer status:
1. From the People/ Company list. Click on the current status and select another one from the drop-down menu.
2. From the People / Company card. Click on the customer name and assign different status:
Use the filter to easily find your contacts by its statuses: