By default, companies and people lists are sorted by the date when the record was created. However, these lists may be sorted by other criteria.
1. Sorting by alphabetical order.
You can sort the list from A to Z or from Z to A. If you are sorting from A to Z, other symbols such as numbers, quotes and etc. will be listed at the beginning of the list.
To sort your list by alphabetical order click on the area next to the title “Companies” or “People”:
2. Sorting by the phone number.
Companies and People lists may be sorted by the phone number from 1 to 9 and from 9 to 1. If you are sorting from 1 to 9- records without phone number entered will be listed at the beginning of the list.
To sort your list by phone number click on the area next to the title “Contacts”.
4. Page management.
There is a page management tool located at the bottom of the page. By using page management tool you may easily move from one page to another.
Double arrow button redirects you to the first or the last page.
One arrow button redirects you to the previous or the following page.
If you wish to open any page- enter the number of the page: