Slack CRM integration allows you to keep your team up-to-date by posting automatic notifications about winning deals on a dedicated Slack channel. This works even if not everybody has a Teamgate account. Read our blog post for more details.
Use this integration to:
Instantly share information about winning deals with a group of people.
Build the structure of information the way you want.
Improve team communication.
Appreciate excellent work.
How to Get Started?
1. Create a dedicated Slack channel and invite team members.
2. Go to Zapier platform and use Slack with Teamgate integration. Scroll down this page and you’ll be able to select the necessary triggers. In the field “Recommended Zaps” click USE THIS ZAP”
3. Click “Create this Zap”
4. Select the “New Deal” trigger and click “Continue”
5. Select your Teamgate account and click “Save + Continue”
6. Select your Teamgate account or “Connect a New account”
7. Enter API authentication key from your Teamgate account: My Profile > Integrations
8. Click continue and Set up Teamgate Deal
9. Fetch and Test and click Continue
10. Select the “Send Channel Message” trigger.
11. Click “Continue” and sign in.
12. Select your Slack account.
13. Select the channel you’ve created previously.
14. Set up the notification template.
Done! Now everyone, including the Slack bot, is on the channel. Now, when a deal is won, an instant, automatic notification will be posted there!