2. Popular things to do in Zapier.
3. How to connect Teamgate to Zapier?
4. Complete list of Teamgate’s triggers, actions and searches.
1. What is Zapier?
Zapier is possibly the single greatest integration you’ll ever use. To summarize, Zapier is a user-friendly web service that allows you to automate actions between countless different web apps you use every day (.e.g, get notifications in Gmail on movements in Teamgate).
“Zapier lets you easily connect the web apps you use, making it easy to automate tedious tasks. You can wait for third-party app developers to offer the SaaS integrations you need. You can hire expensive freelance programmers to build custom software for you. Or you can simply do it yourself with Zapier, and then get back to the work that matters most to your business.”
Read more on what Zapier does here.
2. Popular things to do in Zapier
And these are just a few possibilities. With Zapier you can do much much more! Try it now and make your first Zap.
3. How to connect Teamgate to Zapier. Where to find the Authentication token?
Zapier integration will allow you to select Teamgate from your list of connections during the creation of a Zap.
To connect your Teamgate account to Zapier, you’ll first need to find your API key inside your Teamgate account. Click on your avatar on the right-hand side > select My Profile > Integrations > API access > copy AUTH TOKEN
In Zapier, click on your icon in the upper right corner of the app, and navigate to connected accounts:
From here, you can connect your Teamgate account to Zapier by inserting your API key.
Once connected, your Teamgate account will be available in Zapier, and you can easily select it from Zapier’s account dropdowns.
4. Complete list of Teamgate’s triggers, actions and searches.
The complete list of triggers and actions in actions can be reviewed here. Some of the examples are listed below:
1. New person (triggers when a new person is created);
2. New Lead (triggers when a new lead is created);
3. Lead Converted to Person (triggers when a lead is converted to person);
4. New Won Deal (triggers when a deal is won);
5. New Company (triggers when a new company is created);
6. New Deal (triggers when a new deal is created);
7. New Lost Deal (triggers when a deal is lost)
8. New Product (triggers when new product is created)
1. Create Company (creates a new company);
2. Create Deal (creates a new deal)
3. Create Activity (creates a new activity);
4. Create Lead (creates a new lead);
5. Create Person (creates a new person).
1. Find Person (finds an existing person);
2. Find Lead (finds an existing lead);
3. Find Company (finds an existing company).