Teamgate CRM allows importing your client database using XLSX and CSV file formats. The import will be smooth and the data will appear correctly if the import file will be prepared according to the following instructions and guidelines. As well as, we recommend to use the sample file templates which are located at the end of the article.
Columns and Rows.
XLSX and CSV files are structured of rows and columns. The column represents one field in Teamgate CRM. The cell contains the information that must appear in the particular field, for ex.: Email address. Every row contains the information of a different client. Simply speaking, one column for one field and one row for a single contact details.
CSV (Comma Separated Values, 50 000 rows can be uploaded)
XLSX (Excel newer format, 150000 divided from number of columns)
File Encoding must be UTC-8.
Example: Your XLSX file has 25 columns. In order to know how many rows will be imported use the formula: 150000: 25 = 6000. You can upload 6000 rows to Teamgate.
How to prepare the file?
First, decide which information you will import:
1. Leads list;
2. People list;
3. Company list;
4. People and Company list.
The company may have associated people (Employees who work for the Company). In order to keep such connection in Teamgate- you must hold both: companies and people information in one file. As well as, you may import Lead, People and Company lists separately. By doing so- contacts won’t be connected to each other.
If you want to import Companies and People list at once so that the contacts would be related, you should enter both- Company and People details in one row. Later during the file import, you will map the People and Company fields to the fields in Teamgate. If the Company has more than one associated People you should add as many rows as there are associated People and repeat the Company title and enter People details. You do not have to repeat Company information.
If you are importing Leads list- you may add both Company and People data in one file. However, you will not see the Company details (except title) until you convert the Lead. Leads list contains the information of the People only.
Teamgate supports following standard data fields (columns):
The only field required is Lead, Compay or People Name / Title. All the other fields are optional.
People/Lead Name. (Required field) People name and surname must be entered in one cell.
Company title. (Required field if you are importing Companies list).
Date of birth.
Company code.
Owner (Responsible for the client). If you decide to leave this column empty- by default, the owner of the contact will be the user who is performing the file import.
Customer Status. Leads might have custom statuses. In order to import lead status create separate column and list all the possible statuses. As well as, statuses might be created before file import. If you are not importing status fields- by default, all imported leads will be assigned with the status “New”. People and Companies have two different statuses “Customer status” and “Prospect status”. These fields are not allowed to be customized. “Customer” and “Prospect” statuses must be filled in the separate columns. You may import only the statuses that exist in the system. If you won’t assign the status during the file import all newly imported People and Companies will be with a status “Non-customer” and “Non prospect”.
Job title.
VAT code.
Industry. Teamgate CRM offers a sample list of industries, but it is possible that you might use more or differently named industries. If this is the case, you need to list all the possible industries in the separate column. After file import, all values will be created and assigned to the contact automatically. As well as, you may create additional industries before the file import.
Source. Teamgate CRM offers the sample list of Sources. If you need more values- you need to list all the possible sources in the separate column. After file import, all values will be created and assigned to the contact automatically. As well as, you may create additional sources before the file import.
Personal ID number.
Email (Work, personal, service). You may add as many email addresses as needed. All email addresses must be entered in the separate columns.
Telephone No. (Work, mobile, fax, home). Phone numbers must be uploaded with a country code (+1-855-731-6651). This will allow making calls from the CRM. You may add as many telephone numbers as needed. All numbers must be entered in the separate columns.
URL and social media sites (Website, Twitter, Blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, additional URLs, Skype).
Address (address, city, postal code, country). City, ZIP code, country, and address must be in separate fields. As well as, if you wish the address to be displayed on the map you need to import Longitude and Lattitude along with the address. The format should be Decimal degrees (DD): 41.40338, -2.17403. For the longitudes and latitudes of the addresses, we recommend using the following tool The map doesn’t recognize the coordinates without longitude and latitude in bulk.
Tags and Custom fields.
The default fields offered by Teamgate obviously might not be enough to keep all the necessary information. In order to import other data, you may choose to create either a tag or various types custom fields. The main differences between a tag and custom fields are that a tag might be assigned to contacts in a bulk action and contact can be filtered by the tag. One contact might have as many tags assigned as needed. If you decide to create a tag- simply list them in the separate column. If one contact must have more than one tag- separate them with a comma.After file import tags will be created and assigned to the contact automatically. As well as, you may create the tags before file import.
In comparison with a tag- custom fields might be various types, but cannot be assigned to several contacts at once. Also, just few type of fields can be added to the filter: “multi-select”, “standard select” and “date”. Also, custom fields might be added to a main Lead, People or Companies list. Custom fields might be created during the file import or before file import. If you created multi-select custom field- and the contact has more than one value assigned to it- enter all possible options in one cell and separate them by comma.
If your file contains more columns than you need to import- you don’t need to delete them. You will be able to choose to not import them during the file import.
Make sure your file is neat and do not have any empty rows.
Make sure all contacts are unique to avoid the duplicates. Duplicate check duration depends on the file size. The system checks 500 contacts per 2 minutes.
If there is more than one page in your import file- the system will attempt to read the data from the first page only.
To distinguish recently imported data from the data that have been imported before- create a tag.