Teamgate CRM allows attaching the copies of email communication with customers to Leads, People, Companies and Deals cards. To learn more please see the article: How to automatically attach email copies to Teamgate?
By default – all the emails sent to the buyer’s email address will attach to the deal card as well (if there is only one active deal associated with a buyer). If the buyer has several active deals associated with it – the emails will not attach to deal card.
The default logic may be manually changed in the My Profile > Email Settings > Automatic linking to Deals:
1.1. If the contact has only one active deal assigned to it – you may choose one of the following logic:
1.2. Attach emails to deals by the default logic – attach emails only if there is one active deal assigned to the contact – move the slider to right.
1.3. If you do not want to attach emails at all – move the slider to left.
2. If the contact has more than one active deal assigned to it – you may choose one of the following logic:
2.1. Do not attach emails to deals when the contact has more than one deal attached to it. Expand the drop-down menu and select Do not assign.
2.2. Attach all emails to the newest deal created. The system will attach all emails received/sent to newest deal card assigned to the buyer. Expand the drop-down menu and select Newest active deal.
Please note: there is a risk to mess up your communication history. We recommend deleting emails that do not belong to the particular deals.
2.3. Assign all emails to all active deals. If the buyer has more than one active deal assigned to it – all the emails received will be attached to all active deals. Expand the drop-down menu and select All active deals.
Please note: there is a risk to mess up your communication history. We recommend deleting emails that do not belong to the particular deals.