When the business email is synced, every user of Teamgate who has the Sales inbox feature enabled for their user role will have a dedicated Sales inbox in Teamgate CRM.
1. Emails list
Mail section is located on the top navigation bar of Teamgate. If the user has emails that are unread, the number of unread emails will be displayed. Inside this section, every user sees the list of their own emails divided into three tabs: “Inbox”, “Sent” and “Unrelated”. The left side menu may be collapsed.
Users are allowed to perform various actions from the list view: mark emails starred, mark emails read/unread, track the opening status, delete emails. All the actions performed in the Sales inbox in Teamgate will reflect in the main inbox of the user (except email deletion). For e.g., if the user reads email from Teamgate – the email will be marked as read in the main inbox (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) as well. The special icon notifies if the email is associated with a deal. By clicking on the icon – information about associated deals will show up. Email sharing status Secret or Private is also shown in the list.
1.3. Click “Choose a template” and select the template from the
1.1. Inbox tab displays emails that meet the following conditions:
email is related to a lead, people, company or deal;
email is received to the inbox of the Teamgate user;
the status of the email is “incoming”.
1.2. Sent tab displays emails that meet the following conditions:
email is related to a lead, people, company or deal;
email is sent from the inbox of the Teamgate user;
the status of the email is “outgoing”.
1.3. Unrelated tab displays emails that meet the following conditions:
email is not related to a lead, people, company or deal;
email is sent/received from the inbox of the Teamgate user;
the status of the email is “incoming” or “outgoing”. The emails here are not divided according to their status.
1.4. Search is located on the top right menu and allows searching for emails by following criteria:
Email address of the sender;
Email address of the receiver (To; CC; Bcc)
The search returns the results by the detailed keywords for e.g. “Invitation to the meeting” as well as partial keywords for e.g. @teamgate.com
1.5. Track your emails open rate, link click rate, reply rate.
2. Email content.
There are all the information related to the email displayed. The user who is an owner of the email may preview it only. When the email is opened – the status changes to “read” automatically. Email opening status is displayed at the bottom of the email.
2.1. Email header.
Back button. When clicked – it redirects to the inbox view. If the email were opened from the other section than main Mail view – the user will be redirected to the first section of Teamgate for e.g “Leads”.
The subject of the email line.
Email sharing status. The status may be manually changed to “Public”, “Secret” or “Private”.
Star button. Every email may be starred. If the email is starred in Teamgate – the email will be starred in the main inbox, and vice versa. There might be ~ 2min. delay until star status changes in both inboxes.
Delete button. Every email can be deleted from Teamgate inbox. If the email is deleted in Teamgate – the email will not be deleted in the main inbox.
Mark unread button. When clicked – it changes the email status to “unread” and redirects the user to the main Mail view. If the email is marked “unread” the email status will change in the main inbox as well. The status change in the main inbox will not reflect in Teamgate inbox.
Owner icon. The user of the system who is the sender or receiver of the email.
Tracking status (email opens). The user may track how many times and when the email was read. This feature works if the email is sent from Sales Inbox only.
Link click status. The user may track how many times and when the link included in the email was opened.
2.2. Email content.
The original content of the email with the information about the sender and receiver (To; Cc; Bcc). Email addresses added to the Bcc line will be visible if the email status is “sent”.
All the emails may be replied and forwarded.
Reply – when clicked it opens the screen to compose an email.
Into the field “To” email of the sender is copied. Additional email addresses may be added to the Cc and/or Bcc fields manually.
Subject field copies the original email subject with the prefix “Re:“.
The original content of the email is copied and placed into the email editing view.
Attachments are not being copied and can be added manually.
Reply all – when clicked it opens the screen to compose an email.
Into the field “To” email of the sender is copied.
Field “Cc” copies all the senders/ recipients of the original email.
Subject field copies the original email subject with the prefix “Re:“.
The original content of the email is copied and placed into the email editing view.
Attachments are not being copied and can be added manually.
Forward – when clicked it opens the screen to compose an email.
Subject field copies the original email subject with the prefix “Fwd:“.
The original content of the email is copied and placed into the email editing view.
Attachments of the original email are included.
2.3. Email associations with other sections of Teamgate
2.3.1. Deals
Deals block displays deals that the email is associated with. Deals are divided according to the deal status “Active”, “Won”, “Lost” or “Postponed”. By clicking on the title of the deal the user is redirected to the corresponding deal’s card.
This block appears in the “Inbox” and “Sent” tabs of the Mail section.
2.3.2. Associated contacts
In the “Inbox” and “Sent” tabs associated contacts block displays all the contacts (leads, people, companies) to whom the email is related to.
In the “Unrelated” tab the option to create a lead or people are offered. By clicking “Add lead” or “Add people” buttons – the new lead/ people is created and the user is redirected to corresponding lead/people card. Emails that are associated with the newly created contact are moved from the “Unrelated” tab to “Inbox” or “Sent”. It’s possible to link an email address to an existing lead or people as well by clicking the drop-down list button.
2.3.3. Files
All the attachments of the email are displayed in the Files block. Email attachments are automatically added to the Files section.
3. How to compose a new email?
To start composing new email navigate to Mail section > click Compose.
Emails may be customised by adding predefined email templates, signature and custom fields that pull the information from leads, people, companies or deals.