By default, Sales Inbox is enabled for the admin role only. Users with admin role may enable this feature for the lower in hierarchy user roles. If the user role is not the second after admin in the role hierarchy – the Sales Inbox must be enabled for all upper roles first.
Users with a lower role than admin should contact their account admin and ask to enable email sync.
1. To enable Sales Inbox follow these steps:
Navigate to Settings > Click User management > Click Permissions and Roles > First, select the second lower role after admin role > in the section Main Menu tick Mail and select your preferences:
Set secret status for the emails – allow users to hide the content of the email from other users in the communication history. Other user will only see the following information: sender, receiver and date/time.
Set private status for the emails – allow users to hide emails from other users. Emails with a status “private” are visible for the receiver/sender only and are not displayed in communication history. It is recommended to enable this feature for the admin role only.
Delete emails – gives the permission to delete emails from Sales Inbox and communication history.
Access and read all information – this right allows accessing the Mail section and email sync settings in My Profile section. This option must be enabled for the user to use Sales Inbox.
Click Save for the changes to apply.