1. How to create a role?
1.1. Roles and permissions grant you greater flexibility in restricting or allowing certain actions for users according to their role. Firstly, it must be explained that roles are hierarchical. This means that the overall Admin has exclusive rights; system users below this level are permitted to have only equal or less functionality. For example, a Sales manager may not do or see more than the Manager does, and the Manager may not do or see more than Admin’ does. If the User can not see the Deals module then it is advisable to check if the Manager can see that module.
1.2. Navigate to Settings> User Management > Permissions & Roles > move mouse cursor on Admin field > Press Add role > enter role name in a blank field
2. How to set permissions?
After creating the role you should next set permissions which are to correspond with each role. Under the role name you will see 3 blocks:
2.1. Main Menu – modules
By clicking on the square you may enable, or disable, the visibility of a certain section.
By clicking on the module title, for example, ‘Deals’, you are permitted to enable or disable permissions inside a certain module.
2.2. Settings – Which actions may be performed within the settings.
By clicking on the individual squares you may enable, or disable, the visibility of a certain section.
By clicking on the section title, for example, ‘Deals settings’, you will be permitted to enable, or disable, permissions inside certain settings.
2.3.Extra features – Which actions can be performed with extra features.
By clicking on the individual squares you may enable, or disable, the visibility of the chosen sections.
By clicking on the section name, for example, ‘Deals’, you will be permitted to enable, or disable, permissions inside a certain module.
3. How to assign a role to the user?
3.1. Navigate to Settings > User management > Click on the user’s name > in the line “Role” select the particular role from the drop-down menu > Save the changes.
4. How to set the user’s access & data visibility?
4.1. Lastly, set up ‘user access and data visibility’ for every user (not for the role). Navigate to Settings > Users management > click on user’s name > User access & data visibility > from the drop-down menu select which actions you want to allow or restrict for a particular user > press ‘Save’ for changes to apply. For more information see this article.