If you would like to use Teamgate Calendar in order to plan private, shared with colleagues or simply invisible to others meetings – it is certainly possible!
1. You can plan meetings from different system locations:
Directly from the calendar – by clicking on the appropriate time;
In Deals, Leads, Companies or People module
In Deal, Lead, Company or Person card;
Using quick action creation buttons in a Deal card;
Using quick action creation buttons.
2. In an event (call, reminder or appointment) creation window, at the lower part of it, there is an ability to put a check mark on the box “private event”
Once saved, your created call or reminder will be visible only to you and will not be visible to other colleagues. The only case where you can see the other person’s a call or a reminder – if you are an author and appointed event to another person.
The meeting will not be visible to colleagues, but they’ll see that your time in the calendar is reserved. Details and description will not be visible, only the fact that the time slot is reserved. If you will create a meeting for a colleague – you will be able to see this meeting. If you will add colleagues as participants to your private meeting – they will also see this meeting.