Freshdesk is a customer support ticketing software. This tool is mostly used by the technical support teams and sales teams usually do not have access to such programs, meaning they do not know if the potential customer has contacted the customer support team.
Freshdesk and Teamgate integration allow seeing all the relevant information about the potential or existing customer in one place! The dedicated bar displays the ticketing history inside the Lead, People and Dealscards.
Reviewing recent tickets of your potential customers may provide you with a valuable information regarding the areas of interest of your potential client or issues he/she might be facing.
Note: Freshdesk integration is available for Enterprise Plan users only. See how to upgrade your plan here.
1. How to integrate Freshdesk with Teamgate?
Navigate to Settings > Additional features > Integrations
Click the gear icon and enter your Freshdesk subdomain name and token in the blank field > hit Save
You will find the API KEY within the Profile Settings in Freshdesk.
After performing these steps you will be redirected to Teamgate and you will see the Freshdesk bar inside your contacts cards- all the tickets will be synced immediately.
Note: Ticket information updates every 15 minutes. You may fasten the sync by clicking on the Freshdesk icon:
2. How to use Freshdesk integration?
Open Lead, Company or Deal card and on the right there is located Freshdesk ticket bar. You will see the ticket description, date, and the current status. Click on the ticket title to review the entire conversation and the ticket details such as agent, submitter, requester, and tags. If you are a Freshdesk user – by clicking on the View in Freshdesk the ticket will open in a Freshdesk application.
3. How are Freshdesk tickets displayed in different modules?
Leads – Freshdesk bar will display all the tickets submitted from the primary email address added to the lead card.
People and Companies – Freshdesk bar will display all the tickets submitted from the primary email address added to the people/company cards.
Deals – Freshdesk tickets bar will show the tickets submitted from the primary buyer’s email address.