The report Pipeline today is an overview of all open deals divided into high risk and low risk deals. This Insight will help you to work in a more targeted way and achieve better sales results by saving time.
For the best results, it is important to manage deals effectively and, keeping in mind the estimated sales value, work towards closure of low-value risky deals as soon as possible in order to spend more time on the most valuable sales opportunities. For example: If you see a big red circle, which is positioned quite low – it means sale should be closed immediately. In the meantime, you should concentrate on the higher positioned green circles. It is worth paying attention to the timing of circles – they should be scattered across the graph, in order to spread deal closure dates across several days.
1.1. What information is displayed in the report?
Given graph presents circles as your active deals. The higher the circle is, the higher value it possesses. The bigger the circle, the more actions were conducted with given deal. If the circle is green – it is low risk. If the circle is red – it is high risk. The risk is assessed according to the deal’s delay in a certain sales pipeline stages. The period of how long the deal can remain in one stage may be managed in the deals settings.
Deals that are displayed in the report include:
the deal is active;
the deal’s estimated closure date is within the selected time frame.
1 Full screen. Enables Full Screen
2 Export. Allows to export data to a .xlsx file.
Note: system will export data in accordance with a filters applied.
3 Print version. Prepares the printed version of the graph and a table.
4 Time frame selection. Lets you choose the desired time frame according the estimated deal’s closure date. Available time frames:
Next 7 days**
Next 30 days**
Next 90 days**
Next 12 months**
Custom range*
* – the earliest date that can be selected is “tomorrow”.
** – all deals that estimated closure date is earlier than the time frame selected will be displayed in the report.
5 Total value of all deals. The sum of all active deals value in the selected time frame.
6 The graph of active deals. Every bubble presents one active deal. Hover the mouse cursor on the bubble and the information about the particular deal will show up. Deals are positioned in the graph according to the value of a deal and the estimated deal’s closure date.
Height (y axis) the position is selected according the value of the deal. The higher the value – the higher the bubble;
Position in the time frame (x axis) is selected according the estimated closure date of the deal;
The size of the bubble is selected according to the number of the tasks completed. The more with deal related tasks were completed – the bigger the bubble;
The colour of the bubble – indicates the deal’s risk. Red colour indicates that the deal is risky; green colour indicates that the risk is low and there is
high chances to close the deal successfully. The system starts marking the deal as risky (red) when the deal is late in the particular stage. The period of how long the deal can remain in one stage may be managed in the deals settings.
7 Time frames. Time frames are automatically formed according to the estimated deals closure dates.
8 Legend. Explanations:
Green – low risk deals;
Red – high risk deals.
9 Filter by tag. Report breakdown by tag.
10 Filter by user. Report breakdown by user.
Note: Certain users might not be available for selection due to visibility restrictions set in Roles and Permissions. For more information please visit: Roles & Permissions support page
11 Filter by pipeline. Report breakdown by pipeline.
12 The risk of the deal.
Green – low risk deal;
Red – high risk deal.
13 Closing day. Estimated deal’s closure date.
14 Opportunity. The title of the deal. By clicking on the deal’s title – the system redirects to the deal’s card.
15 Value. The value of the deal.
16 Owner. The user of the system who is set as responsible of the deal.
17 Sales pipeline stage. The title of the stage were the is deal is currently held.
18 Days in stage. The number of the days how long the deal is held in the particular stage.
19 Actions. Total number of the tasks, related to the deal, completed. The completed task are included only:
20 Last activity. The title and date of the last activity completed.