There are a few different ways how you can delete a company in Teamgate.
Temporarily: after deleting the record it will be stored for the selected period of time. During this time records may be restored. After that time, records will be permanently deleted and will no longer be accesible to you or anyone else. This process is automatic.Deleted records may be stored for 1 day, 7 days and 30 days. To select the period navigate to Settings > Manage account > Store deleted records. By default records are being stored for 30 days.
Permanently: deleted records will be permanently deleted automatically after restoration period ends. This action may be performed manually as well.
Note: If you do not see the “delete” button- this permission is disabled for your user role. Please contact your system administrator.
1. How to delete the company/-ies?
To delete company temporarily follow the steps below:
1.1. Mark the companies you want to delete in the list and click “rubbish bin” icon on top of the list. Click “Confirm“.
1.2. Open company’s card.
1.3. Click the “Delete” button and “confirm”.
2. How to delete the company permanently?
2.1. The list of the deleted companies may be found using the filter. Open the company list and open the filter. Click “Show deleted” > Apply.
Now you see all the companies that were deleted. To delete the companies permanently mark them in the list, click “rubbish bin” icon and “Confirm“. This action will permanently delete the companies. Deleted companies will no longer be accessible to you or anyone else. This action is irreversible.
2.2. Company may be permanently deleted from a deleted company card. On top you will see the notification “Company has been deleted“. To permanently delete the company click “delete” button.
3. How to restore deleted companies?
To restore deleted company enable the filter in the companies section and click “Show deleted” > Apply.
3.1. Mark the companies you want to restore and click restoration button located on top of the deleted companies list.
3.2. Open the deleted company card and click “restore” button inside the lead card.