Note: Sales Results: Won Deals report is available for Enterprise Plan users.
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It is no secret that in order to achieve results, first, you have to set the goals. Goals should be clear to everyone on your team. In addition, each sales representative has to be aware of what is expected of him and what his contribution to the overall team’s result should be. In this Insights section, you will see results of all your team members. The green bar shows the number of won deals.
It is extremely important to track how many individual deals compose the employee’s result. A very small number of deals could mean that the salesman’s results are difficult to predict and his results are critical to overall success. In order to avoid the risk, it should be done otherwise. However, there may be exemptions – in some business models, a lot of low-value deals could imply about time-consuming costs for goals to be reached. The small blue circle precisely indicates the number of done deals. The table below shows what goal percentage is achieved and what the average sales value is.Click on a number of won deals and you will see a list of the deals.