Create email templates and send them to your customers! This functionality allows creating and saving email templates you may use anytime you need.
Note: Make sure you have your email settings updated!
To create email template follow these easy steps:
1. Navigate to My profile > Email templates > New template
2. Fill all the necessary fields: Template name, Subject and enter email text.
Note that by clicking on the button “Insert field” you can insert automatic fields “Name” and “Owner”:
Name- the system will automatically add lead’s/ contact’s or company’s name/title to the template.
Owner-system will automatically add person’s who is responsible for the lead/ contact or company name.
As well you can select the fields, created as custom fields.
All these inputs will be marked accordingly with the corresponding color of the section, where custom field is in use.
7. If you wish to share your email template enable the option Share with other users.
8. Click Save