Track your Leads, Deals, or Customers by location. Plan your meetings with a street view and you’ll find your destination quickly and easily.
What do I need to do to use OpenStreetMap in Teamgate?
OpenStreetMap maps are already integrated into your account. Most importantly you have to enter the address correctly into a designated field of the client profile.
OpenStreetMap also provides a complete view of your Leads’/Deals’/Customers’ locations. You only need to select the ‘Maps’ view and your contact’s location will be marked on the map. You may then zoom in to view the detailed information.
Also, you may combine it with the search and filtering functionality! When you are planning a meeting you may simply look at the map and see any additional customers located near the meeting place and plan to visit them too!
Note: If you are importing your client database into Teamgate- addresses must include longitude and latitude in the import sheet in order to be displayed on the map. For the longitudes and latitudes of the addresses, we recommend using the following tool OpenStreetMap maps don’t recognize the coordinates without longitude and latitude in bulk.