Lead Status allows you to track the current status of your Leads. By default, Teamgate offers you these statuses:
– New;
– Working;
– Unqualified.
You can add additional statuses, and edit the existing status title in your account Settings. Statuses “New” and “Unqualified” cannot be changed or deleted.
How to add additional Lead Statuses:
Find your account Settings in the upper right-handed corner of Teamgate;
Click Leads;
Click the Statuses tab;
To add a new status, click + New;
2. How to edit an existing status’ title:
Click on status title
Make your changes
Click Save
3. Assign colors for the different statuses.
As well as you can assign a color to the status. This will help easier separate lead status on the leads list. The color can not be changed for “New” and “Unqualified” lead statuses.
Click on status title
Pick the color
Click Save
Now you can use your new statuses. Open leads list and simply click on the status and select another one from the drop-down menu. The status can be changed from the lead’s card as well.
4. How to filter my leads by the statuses?
You can easily filter your Leads by statuses.
Open Leads list
Enable the filter
Select the filtering option under “Status”
Click Apply