The sales department is the most important department in your company. How can it not be when your sales team is responsible for driving the majority of revenue? Most businesses, especially marketing agencies, SaaS businesses, and professional...
Tag - Sales Tools
A Customer Relation Management (CRM) and the Social Media Management (SMM) tools are a very important parts of the Business to Business (B2B) companies marketing tool. Nowadays, the B2B companies have started to discover that though CRM and SMM are...
If you are not a salesperson, it can be easy to look at Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software and shrug it off as something exclusive to salespeople. Granted, CRM find its popularity in sales since it mimics business workflows and sales...
Atsakymas į šio įrašo pavadinime užduotą klausimą yra ganėtinai paprastas – savo CRM nesidžiaugia tos organizacijos, kurios pasirinko netinkamą sprendimą. Dažnai, nesuderinamą su kita naudojama programine įranga, galbūt pernelyg sudėtingą, su...
Praėjusiame savo įraše kalbėjome apie tai, kad CRM įsigijimas yra komandinis sprendimas. Tai neturėtų būti tiesiog dar vienas pirkinys, „po kuriuo“ pasirašė vadovas – tai turėtų būti nauja darbo sistema ir naujoviškas darbo proceso organizavimas...
As a corporate or small business utilizing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) technology, you understand the importance of organizing, recording, and reviewing customer data. You know that the more sales data you keep track of, the higher your...
The CRM market is saturated with a variety of apps and suits promising to satisfy every business’s needs. However, the ensuing fierce competition between apps to offer more expansive solutions has obscured the line between CRMs and ERPS. Although...
You may be launching a new business soon. Perhaps you already have a thriving or struggling company. Either way, you’re curious about starting to look at tools that will help you manage customer relationships. When, in the lifespan of your business...
Sėkmingą organizacijos gyvavimą lemia trys faktoriai: pinigai, laikas ir darbuotojai. Kiekvieną iš jų tikslingai mokėti valdyti yra būtina. Patyrusio ir motyvuoti mokančio vadovo įtaka lemia daug, tačiau gyvenant technologijų amžiuje, kuomet vis...