This is How CRM Helps Effectively Build and Maintain Rapport With Real People Imagine what would have happened if Apple products never found a solid fan base, or if Mark Zuckerberg had never asked his fellow students to join Facebook? Do you hear...
Tag - crm
GetApp has published quarterly CRM industry trends report for Q1 2016. The Report is part of GetApp’s quarterly product ranking, GetRank, where Teamgate was announced as CRM #2 of the top 25 CRM apps based in the cloud. The report...
Achievements are here! The leading Premium business app discovery platform announced Teamgate as #2 in Q1 2016 rankings of top CRM applications! GetRank is GetApp’s quarterly ranking of the top 25 CRM apps based in the cloud. Each app is...
In an interview with the NY Times, Evernote’s CEO Phil Libin was asked the following question: What is unusual about your workplace? His answer was very interesting: “We got rid of phones in the office. Just on a whim, I thought that at every...
Being the customer of a business using CRM is a rewarding experience. Leads are well nurtured, the business knows its customers well, targeted marketing campaigns are customer-centric and each deal is closely followed to fruition through each step...
Atsakymas į šio įrašo pavadinime užduotą klausimą yra ganėtinai paprastas – savo CRM nesidžiaugia tos organizacijos, kurios pasirinko netinkamą sprendimą. Dažnai, nesuderinamą su kita naudojama programine įranga, galbūt pernelyg sudėtingą, su...
Praėjusiame savo įraše kalbėjome apie tai, kad CRM įsigijimas yra komandinis sprendimas. Tai neturėtų būti tiesiog dar vienas pirkinys, „po kuriuo“ pasirašė vadovas – tai turėtų būti nauja darbo sistema ir naujoviškas darbo proceso organizavimas...
Sėkmingą organizacijos gyvavimą lemia trys faktoriai: pinigai, laikas ir darbuotojai. Kiekvieną iš jų tikslingai mokėti valdyti yra būtina. Patyrusio ir motyvuoti mokančio vadovo įtaka lemia daug, tačiau gyvenant technologijų amžiuje, kuomet vis...
Startup Company Teamgate has established CRM software that took a leading place in ratings and currently dominates between the industry leaders such as, Salesforce or Zoho-CRM. GetApp is the leading business app discovery platform with...