Tag - crm

Mobile CRM Teamgate Sales

If your sales aren’t mobile, they’re static Modern sales professionals need to be both mobile and connected at all times. That’s where the Teamgate mobile CRM idea came to mind. Sales professionals need a fully mobile sales CRM to keep them in-touch...

How would you describe your sales CRM? Easy to use? Insightful? A great time saver? Probably not, right? The fact is that most CRMs are a pain to use.  They suck valuable time from your day-to-day and are rarely kept up to date. In fact, 87% of...

Is CRM product management the new kid on the sales block? Without the benefit of detailed CRM product management you’ve already put yourself at a disadvantage. At least that’s what’s being said, and here at Teamgate we’ve got ears on the ground. The...